Don’t feel bad, Joe Rohde! You clearly did everything you could. Sadly, not even the most elite team of Imagineers can cut through my hatred of Avatar. As evidence, I submit to you the entirety of Pandora in Disney’s Animal Kingdom. YEAH, I SAID IT: PANDORA’S NOT THAT GREAT To lay out my thesis, I shall quote myself: Look,...
Continue readingMy Thoughts While Watching: Disneyland—Man In Space (1955)
Hello and welcome back to Thoughts While Watching, where I – say it with me – consume vintage-to-vintage-ish Disney and Disney parks media and react to it in real time. Today we’re tackling an episode of “The Wonderful World of Disney,” or possibly “The Wonderful World of Color,” or possibly just “Disneyland.” I swear this show has suffered a...
Continue readingWhat runDisney Race Theme Would Tempt Me Back?
Sometimes, I think runDisney is coming for me, specifically: I’ll say no, I won’t register for that race… then they drop the race theme and I GOTTA REGISTER. (Hello, Figment for this year’s Wine & Dine Challenge!) So I’m signed up for Wine & Dine, and I’m signed up for the Goofy Challenge in 2024. But after that, I’m...
Continue readingC’mon, Tron: Lightcycle Run, What’s Taking So Long? Well, Pat Can Explain
Listen, I don’t force Walt Disney World on people. But when you’re around me a lot, well… let’s just say Pat has now been to WDW 3 times since we met and subscribes to the WDW subreddit. Which leads us, believe or not, to the theme of today’s blog post: why is it taking so long for Disney to...
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