In Which Mickey & Minnie Are On Jenn’s Jeans, K-I-S-S-I-N-G

Disney jeans

Hey! Based on the numbers, it seems like you guys actually kinda like it when I ramble on about Disney parks and Disney fashion and wearing Disney fashion at Disney parks. So let’s all geek out over my latest acquisition together!

I found these Mickey & Minnie kissing jeans at Hot Topic literally a year ago, and I think I asked for them for Christmas but didn’t get them. Which is obviously fine – it’d be pretty entitled to assume you’ll get everything you want for Christmas! Curiously, though, I didn’t just use holiday money to buy them myself during the post-Christmas week, as is my wont.

But I think I know why – I challenged myself this year to buy no new clothes. Ah, you think, what an admirably minimalist approach! No, no – what I mean to say is that I’ve bought new clothes this year, just not new clothes. Secondhand, baby! Sustainability!

And whaddya know, I found those exact jeans in my size on Poshmark! And yet, alas, the seller was offering these secondhand jeans for $39, which was more expensive than HT sold them as they are constantly offering discounts. I don’t generally like to pay full price under any circumstances, let alone in a reseller’s market, but the lower offer I submitted was not accepted by the seller. Such is life.

But I couldn’t quite stop thinking about those jeans – I could see them being super cute in the parks, plus for all my copious Disney clothing I own very little that’s appropriate for chillier temperatures. Short dresses? Coming out my ears! Stuff for when Orlando decides to give winter a try? Less so.

Weakened by my vision, I came very close to abandoning my challenge and buying them from Hot Topic anyway when they had one of their 30% off sales. But then I discovered HT wanted like $20 in shipping to Puerto Rico, so buying from there went out the window on principle. I wasn’t gonna break my resolution for a shafting.

Weeks passed – then months. (You guys remember the pandemic, right?) The Poshmark seller of the jeans lowered the price a few times, but never quite enough to tempt me. Then, one day, after I had made some money selling on Poshmark myself and had a smidge of cash on hand, I got a private offer on the jeans – for $12! $12! Plus shipping of course, but it all still came out to less than $19. Hooray!

By now this is probably feeling sort of like when you click on a recipe page and the author has written an enormous philosophical manifesto ahead of the actual recipe and you’re scrolling and scrolling like for heaven’s sake, just give me the INGREDIENTS LIST at least, so anyway, I now own these adorable jeans!

Mickey & Minnie Jeans

I tried them out with some of the Disney masks my mom sent me, and determined the red Minnie one is the best aesthetic fit, Y/N? And my classic Minnie ears, of course. I’m pretty sure these photos qualify me for influencer status anyway.

Me in Mickey jeans

Me in Mickey Jeans

That’s my latest sartorial Disney conquest. I hope I can get to WDW soon and try it out!

Don’t forget, you can follow FRoA on Twitter @fairestrunofall and on Instagram @fairestrunofall. If you have any questions or thoughts, leave a comment or email fairestrunofall@gmail.comSee ya real soon!

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