Half A Race Schedule Is Better Than No Race Schedule At All, Right?

Incredibles Dash runs

We still live in uncertain times, but I’m feeling hopeful enough to wedge a race schedule in there anyway. Well, half a race schedule. Not ENOUGH races, but some. Not the WHOLE year, but part. And yeah, sure, most are retreads of runDisney races, but I’m registered! That’s what counts!

And so I am officially looking forward to:

The Wine & Dine Half Marathon, November 2021

Continuing my registration strategy of registering for EVERYTHING. I’ve been thwarted at every turn so far but it’ll pay off eventually, I just know it. Plus Pat’s really excited for his first ever Food & Wine Festival!

Walt Disney World Marathon, January 2021

Oh my love! My love!

Oak Island race schedule addition

NEW! Oak Island Half Marathon East, February 2021

Normally I’d do the Wilmington Marathon again, but this year it’s the same day as the Princess Half, so I’m out. Luckily there’s another race weekend nearby the week before. This one* is unique in that it’s a marathon course, and half marathoners have the option of running either the first half or the second half of the full. I’m choosing east because it’s supposed to be flat and bridgeless. Maybe I can finally run a sub-two hour half…?

*Referral link!

Princess Half Marathon, February 2021

My first time back at my very first race!

Honorable Mentions

I’m not registered yet, but I’m looking at a Thanksgiving morning 5K, plus whatever runDisney’s Spring Surprise turns out to be. I need to at least know distances before I commit, y’know?

What A Sad Little Race Schedule You Have There

I know. That’s pretty anemic given my yearly race counts of old. The last couple years have seen a precipitous drop.

In 2019 I moved to Puerto Rico, and a combination of settling in here, saving money, and and a dearth of local races meant I didn’t end up at many start lines. Then 2020 happened and, well, I don’t have to explain that to you, I’m sure.

Now in 2021 you think we’d be in better shape. We SORT OF are, but we’re also sort of still stuck in limbo. I am hoping and praying that the vaccines finally win out and at the very least COVID is relegated to a periodic booster shot annoyance ASAP.

If I am that lucky, I have s’more races in my sights, including a potential return to the Baltimore Marathon, plus I’d love to finally do the races at Hershey Park and Busch Gardens Williamsburg. Ooh, if things improve enough soon enough maybe Universal will start doing races again! Can we be optimistic now? Can we?! 😀

Don’t forget, you can follow FRoA on Twitter @fairestrunofall and on Instagram @fairestrunofall. If you have any questions or thoughts, leave a comment or email fairestrunofall@gmail.comSee ya real soon!


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