The Wonderful World of Disney: "Disneyland After Dark" title screen

My Thoughts While Watching: Disneyland After Dark (1962)

Hello and welcome back to my continuing series Thoughts While Watching, where we watch vintage-to-vintage-ish Disney media with modern eyes and wonder accordingly. Today we’re setting the time machine to waywayback – let’s visit Disneyland with Uncle Walt again! I’ve pulled another episode of The Wonderful World of Disney (Color?), this one called “Disneyland After Dark.” I went in...

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Disney's Animal Kingdom - The First Adventure

Thoughts While Watching: Disney’s Animal Kingdom – The First Adventure (1998)

Welcome back to Thoughts While Watching, my long running series where I watch vintage-to-vintage-ish Disney parks media and react to it in real time. Sometimes it’s the values that take us aback, sometimes just the fashion, but it’s always a good time! Last time I queued up the then-called MGM-Studios opening TV special, after which I polled my Instagram...

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