JENN: It’s time for another Photographic Memory! First a little background:
Moon and I went down to WDW in December of 2008. We rode Mission: Space a billion times, because Moon LOOOOVES Mission: Space. I mean, I too love Mission: Space, but Moon LOOOOOOOOOVES Mission: Space! Orange side only, please. We’ve never even ridden green.
MOON: I looooooove space. This has nothing to do with WDW, but I hope the next Grand Theft Auto game is on the moon. Who cares about this city business. I want to rocket into space. But yeah, Mission: Space has a huge dork payoff for me.
JENN: After we got off the ride for the umpteenth time, I happened to notice that my phone was missing. As I was sure I had it when I got on the ride, I figured it must have fallen out of its compartment of my bag. I went back into the hallway and informed a cast member, who told me they would check as soon as the next group finished.
This being Disney, where everything turns out all right, my phone was located and returned to me in about five minutes, I went back out into the post-show area, looked around, and found Moon sitting on the floor. I looked at her quizzically, and she shifted just enough to the side to show me that she was charging her phone in a plug just to one side of the exit hallway.
MOON: I always have battery problems.
JENN: This photo is from our trip last February, when we paid a visit to our friend the electrical outlet of Mission: Space – Advanced Training Lab.

MOON: I’m always on the look out for a convenient place to recharge!
JENN: I’m sure there’s a website out there dedicated to all the electric outlets of WDW, but if you’re ever in Future World, you know where to look!
Don’t forget, you can follow FRoA on Twitter @fairestrunofall and on Instagram @fairestrunofall. If you have any questions or thoughts, leave a comment or email See ya real soon!
I've never had the problem of having to recharge at Disney, but I guess knowing where all the outlets are would come in handy! As for Mission Space, I've only rode it one time when it first opened ( when there was only ONE level). I got so sick and vowed to never ride it again!
Yeah, we rode it before there were separate sides the first time, waaaay back in the day. I've never had a problem but I've seen plenty of other people looking sick, dizzy, etc.; they definitely made the right call. When I go with my mom in December, she is NOT going to consent to orange, so I guess I'll find out what green is like then!