The Fairest Week In Review: 4/29

Absolutely nothing

Just me again this week, folks. Moon has jetted off to Israel with her boyfriend and for some bizarre reason neglected to take me with her. But never fear – I have every intention of roping her into a solo post soon, lest you all go into Moon withdrawal.

That’s all right, I have things to tell you anyway. For starters, ask me how many times I intend to run this week. Go ahead, ask me. I’ll wait.

Ready? Okay. ZERO.


For the first time in what feels like forever, I will be taking a full week off from running. I’ve been toying with this idea for awhile now, ever since my runs started getting sucky again a couple weeks ago. It has been suggested by several people that sometimes you really need an extended break to recharge and get your mojo back. Makes sense to me. Problem is, a lot of my self-esteem and self-worth is tied up in running (Yeah, yeah, I know. Healthy).

What enabled me to finally take the leap this week is time, or rather, a true lack thereof. My ballet studio’s spring show is this weekend, and by consequence, here’s what my schedule looks like:

Sunday: Rehearsal at the studio, 12 – 5:30PM
Monday: Rehearsal at the studio, 5:30 – 8:30PM
Tuesday: Rehearsal at the studio, 5:30 – 8:30PM
Wednesday: Off
Thursday: Rehearsal at the theater, 5:30 – 9PM
Friday: Rehearsal at the theater, 5:30 – 9PM
Saturday: Dancer call 12:30PM, performances at 3 & 7PM
Sunday: Dancer call at 12PM, performance at 3PM

Yeah. That doesn’t leave much room for running, unless I want to get up early/stay up late. Which I have done in the past. But I think perhaps, just this once, it’s okay if I ask a little less of myself. I’ll probably take a long walk on Wednesday, but that’s it. With any luck by next Monday I’ll be recharged and ready to rock!

The only issue? Like I said, running comprises a large chunk of what keeps me sane, primarily in the food area of my life. Psychology is complicated, but put simply, the equation is as follows: LONG RUN = I CAN EAT. Not running makes me feel extremely paranoid about my body, weight gain, etc.

So this week I am doing something that might be a bad idea – starting last Sunday through Friday afternoon I am calorie counting. Given my history of disordered eating, this may turn out to be a poor choice, but hey, I’m dialing back on the exercise obsession! One step at a time. I downloaded an app for keeping track of my intake and thus far I am finding there are pros and cons to the experience. I’ll do a full recap of my week on Food Watch next week.

Had enough of my crazy? Don’t blame ya! Go read these posts instead and rejoice:

Run Eat Repeat highlights some common first time marathoner mistakes.
We Run Disney discusses pacing another runner. (I owe everything to the Tinker Bell Half pacer.)
Fit2Flex has a timely post about dumping food guilt.
Fairytales and Fitness suggests some changes to runDisney races.
Get motivated with Prairie Princess Runners.
On the Go in MCO talkes about my man Sterling Holloway.
– Ironically enough, I can’t help but feature this new Mickey Pants Kitchen Sink as described by The Disney Food Blog.
The Disney Tourist Blog has ALL THE MAIN STREETS ALL OF THEM.

Don’t forget, you can follow FRoA on Twitter @fairestrunofall and on Instagram @fairestrunofall. If you have any questions or thoughts, leave a comment or email fairestrunofall@gmail.comSee ya real soon!


  1. Yes! I, took, can change my pointe shoes, costume, hair, and makeup in a split second while on stage without anyone noticing! I'M THE BEST GODDAMNED DANCER IN THE BELTSVILLE BALLET ACADEMY!

  2. Um I know everyone is different and what works for some may not work for others and et cetera et cetera forever but from one person who had disordered eating issues to another STOP CALORIE COUNTING PLEASE STOP IT'S TERRIBLE and I haven't ballet'd since I was a wee child but I'm pretty sure 30ish hours of dancing in a week constitutes many calories burned


    ALSO GOOD LUCK ON THE DANCING I AM SURE YOU ARE AMAZING! I am an ungraceful, unflexible, gangly weirdo, thus why I gave up on ballet.

    Also Sterling Holloway! I just made Markers flip through all the Twilight Zone episodes until I found the one with him in it because he had never seen it and it's such a good one!

  3. Don't worry, I'm not solidly dancing the entire time! I'd say I'm only actually getting in about twenty minutes of real dance; a lot of it is standing around waiting for other people to go.

    BUT SO FAR THE CALORIE COUNTING SUCKS AND I HATE IT. I'm going to do a write up of my experience later but even after only three days it feels like I'm playing a game with myself and both sides are losing. Ugh. Two more days and then FREEDOM.

    Nicole came to ballet with me once! You can too! It's full of awesome!!!

    Sterling Holloway = THE BEST. Peter and the Wolf is a masterpiece.

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