Try My Old Hollywood Musical Running Playlist

Judy Garland has a hat

Remember my classical music running playlist? I had a great time putting that together – fresh music can be so clutch to combat training burnout, so it’s awesome to tap into a different genre from the norm. With that in mind, I’m doing it again, but this time we’re working in a new niche: the old school Hollywood musical.

I say old school because that’s my era – modern musicals are great, but I’m a retro, Golden Age, Turner Classic Movies kinda gal in my heart and I always have been. Free associate with me: Judy. Garland! Frank. Sinatra! Ann. Miller! Howard. Keel! Jane. Russell! All of this and more shall be yours when you run to this playlist.

Now, to be 100% transparent, I have cheated just a little. I mostly kept to classics, but I did step slightly outside of the Golden Age here and there, specifically: “Mein Herr” from Cabaret (’72) and “When You’re Good to Mama” from Chicago (’01). I justify this to myself with the equivocation that both are evocative of the old school musical even if they exist ever-so-slightly to slightly-more-than-slightly outside of the time. Also, have you seen Chicago? You should totally watch Chicago tonight.

So yeah! Here’s my Old School Hollywood running playlist. It does feature a LOT of Judy Garland, but then this is running we’re doing – you’ll never know power ’til you’ve propelled it with Judy. Nobody COMMITTED like Judy. You’re welcome for more Judy in your life. Now run!


(As before, here’s the same playlist on Amazon Prime Music if that’s your oeuvre.)

Whew! Okay, I may have gotten slightly carried away with this playlist. Hopefully you have a good long run planned for the future with this one. Nothing’s better for a long run than some new music. Some new old music. Old new music. Some GOOD music. Yeah! Don’t believe me? Just watch:

Don’t forget, you can follow FRoA on Twitter @fairestrunofall and on Instagram @fairestrunofall. If you have any questions or thoughts, leave a comment or email fairestrunofall@gmail.comSee ya real soon!

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