What more can I say about Epcot? What more can I possibly say about the hurt? The betrayal? The Disneysphere has been in a tumult over the numerous closures announced in just the past few weeks. Many have said more and better on the subject, but here as some quickfire opinions. The Backlot Tour. I liked the Backlot Tour...
Continue readingSquirtgun To Your Head: Favorite WDW Food?
JENN: ALL RIIIIIIGHT. Squirtgun To Your Head! What is your favorite Walt Disney World food? MOON: fooooooood JENN: You may, if you wish, divide into Dessert and Not-Dessert categories. MOON: The most memorable food I can think of at the moment is the pineapple ice cream shake (I think it was a shake?). JENN: Haha, you mean the Dole Whip float? Pineapple...
Continue readingThe Fairest Week In Review: 9/02
HELLO, FRIENDS! Just Jenn today, as Moon will be off gallivanting about the Continent for the remainder of the week. Whereas I, by contrast, am back from the beach and happy to… happy to… look, I kinda wish I was still at the beach, okay? But I’m here and I’m slowly getting over my post-break blues. How am I managing...
Continue readingIn Which Jenn Cleans Her Face With Disneyness
There are the standard, expected Disney souvenirs – t-shirts and sweatshirts and picture frames and magnets and all manner of things shaped like Mickey Mouse and emblazoned with the Disney logo. These things are awesome and I have lots. They cheer me up immeasurably when I am away from WDW and I love that. But then, too, there are...
Continue readingIn Which Jenn Makes A Food & Wine Festival To-Eat List
IT’S ON. The Disney Food Blog just posted all the menus for this year’s Epcot Food & Wine Festival, and since I will ACTUALLY BE THERE THIS TIME EEEEEEEE I naturally dropped everything I was doing and made another one of my crazy Disney food to-eat spreadsheets. Booth Item Notes Belgium Potato & leek waffle w/ beer-braised beef I...
Continue readingIn Which Jenn is a Poor Disney Archivist
What you are about to see may hurt you a little. You may feel betrayed. You may wonder how I could possibly let this happen. I DIDN’T KNOW, OKAY? I DIDN’T KNOW. It was the last time my family went to Walt Disney World, 1998. I was a mere twelve years of age. Disney’s Animal Kingdom had yet to...
Continue readingThe Fairest Week In Review: 4/01
JENN: THE SUN IS OUT. MOON: I KNOW! I’m sitting in it right now. 😀 JENN: Amazing. I’m going to go to Target on my lunch break just so I can go outside Speaking of outside, I love it when it gets warm because the odds of me having the gym all to myself increase. MOON: Haha, I hope that holds true for me also,...
Continue readingThe Fairest Trip Report of All: 12/08/13
The trip report continues! Click here to see all the posts for this report. As a note: I’m glossing over my food experiences here, but don’t worry – I’ll be doing a full food post or two later on. My very last page of vacation day notes. My last trip report day. Waaaah. At least I have a couple...
Continue readingThe Fairest Trip Report of All: 12/07/13
The trip report continues! Click here to see all the posts for this report. As a note: I’m glossing over my food experiences here, but don’t worry – I’ll be doing a full food post or two later on. Our last full day. Booo. It’s funny how you can start getting bummed out over the end of your vacation...
Continue readingThe Fairest Trip Report of All: 12/05/13
The trip report continues! Click here to see all the posts for this report. As a note: I’m glossing over my food experiences here, but don’t worry – I’ll be doing a full food post or two later on. We got up at 7AM for our first full vacation day. Epcot was on the docket, but first we wanted...
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