The Fairest Week In Review: 11/15

More running! Hooray! My IT Band has been… pretty good. Every once and awhile I think it might be acting up a little but it’s nothing a little KT Tape hasn’t been able to handle. I do wish that stuff was cheaper, but then it’s nowhere near as expensive as medical bills, so.  I think I might also look into…

The Fairest Trip Report Of All: 1/10

Mini trip report time! I’m covering my quick weekend trip for the WDW Marathon. To read all the posts in this report, click here. I arrived back at Pop just after noon, which gave me a little under an hour to do my shower thing and get out per the late check out rules. I ate a couple snacks, cleaned…

In Which Jenn & Moon Are ‘Ached Some Questions

Hey, here’s something crazy – we’ve been tagged! We’ve been tagged twice! Thanks to Kellie and Kimberley for inexplicably expressing an interest in our inner workings. They’ve asked questions. We have answers! Four names that people call me, other than my real name: Moon says: Bek Sneaky Rebs Rebek (my Dad is not a creative soul) [to clarify, Moon’s English…

Squirtgun To Your Head: Favorite WDW Food?

JENN:  ALL RIIIIIIGHT. Squirtgun To Your Head! What is your favorite Walt Disney World food? MOON:  fooooooood JENN: You may, if you wish, divide into Dessert and Not-Dessert categories. MOON: The most memorable food I can think of at the moment is the pineapple ice cream shake (I think it was a shake?). JENN: Haha, you mean the Dole Whip float? Pineapple soft…

In Which Jenn Makes A Disney To Eat List

Behold: proof that I am insane! BUT ORGANIZED. Butterfinger cupcake from Starring Rolls. It all started when it became official that I was going to be returning to Walt Disney World in November (for the Wine and Dine Half) AND January (for Dopey). Immediately my thoughts turned to one of the most important aspects of any WDW trip: the food.…