The Disney Hipsters recently did a nifty series highlighting the final photo they took on their Disney vacations. I have neither the photographic skill, nor the effortless style, nor the devastating wit of the Disney Hipsters. What I do have: a bunch of rapidly ageing Disney park Facebook albums and a crippling weakness for nostalgia. And so I give you: The Last Photo From My Disney Albums, Part 1.
Apologies for the quality on these; being from the oldest trips, I don’t know where the originals are anymore.

The year: 2008
The companion(s): Moon, Elizabeth, and mutual friend Megan
The title of the album: Who’s the leader of the club that’s made for you and me?
The why: We spent our last day at the Studios and killed time in One Man’s Dream before leaving to catch our train home. Now that it’s gone, I kinda miss it.

The year: 2008
The companion(s): Moon
The title of the album: Second star to the right and straight on ’til morning
The why: My dad’s a train guy and loves the monorail, so I bought him the play model of the Contemporary for Christmas. Question: WHY did Disney discontinue all the other monorail loop models? Anyway, the box didn’t really fit in the airport security bins…

The year: 2009
The companion(s): Unofficial Guide people
The title of the album: Por favor mantengase alejado de las puertas
The why: I’m cheating here a little bit; the ACTUAL last photos in this album were boring, stupid, and pointless pictures in the airport. The last real Disney photo I took was of this poster teasing the coming Club 23, which I enjoyed because I was in fact 23 at the time.

The year: 2009
The companion(s): My grad school friend Diana and her sisters
The title of the album: Practically perfect in every way
The why: This was our rental car. Why did I choose to take a picture of our rental car in the parking lot of the Magic Kingdom? Beats the hell outta me.

The year: 2010
The companion(s): Elizabeth
The title of the album: it’s a small world after all
The why: One of the Disney airport gift shops. Clever or just depressing?

The year: 2011
The companion(s): My ex-boyfriend
The title of the album: Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom
The why: Watching the happy people check into Pop Century while suffering quietly in wait for the Magical Express.

The year: 2012
The companion(s): Elizabeth
The title of the album: A magical kingdom with lots of witnesses and great security (yeah Burn Notice!)
The why: We caught the last hour of the Magic Kingdom’s Evening Extra Magic Hours. The monorail was shut down; this was our view as our ferry crossed the lagoon.

The year: 2012
The companion(s): Sometimes my cousin and his friend, sometimes random people, sometimes just myself!
The title of the album: There’s a great big beautiful tomorrow
The why: More self-torture as I wait for the Magical Express to whisk me back to reality, which seems pretty antithetical to me but whatever.
That’s it for this installment! Next time we begin with the trip that started all this nonsense: the 2013 Princess Half!
Don’t forget, you can follow FRoA on Twitter @fairestrunofall and on Instagram @fairestrunofall. If you have any questions or thoughts, leave a comment or email See ya real soon!